Friday, June 19, 2009

FLAUSTACHE: Moody Blues, "Nights In White Satin"

This appears to be someone's home video of Paris 1967 spliced in with the Moody Blues singing on a flight of stairs.  But it's done so well that, unfortunately, I think it's the official music video.

But here's what's officially awesome: The flautist.  For about two minutes, he's just standing there solemnly-mustached and then--bam!--he nails it.  

I'm going to make up a new word right here and now: Flaustache--a flautist with a mustache.  Here's a good example: Ron Burgandy in "Anchorman" is a Flaustache when he does his flute solo at the club to impress Veronica Corningstone (and then yells, "Aqualung!"--a reference to Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson, another Floustache).  I'll have to start looking for more Flaustache clips...

So enjoy the Floustache, vintage home video of Paris, and all of these ruffled knights in white satin:


  1. a couple of comments; first, the whole band on the stairs there, that was your wedding party. only wihthout instruments. second, how about a rusty-trombonstache, like what you play. i'm sure you have some videos of that in your sock drawer?

  2. my days of being a tromboner are long gone... but it's a classy suggestion nonetheless.
