Saturday, May 23, 2009

Quarterflash, "Harden My Heart"

My parents were in town recently, and my dad was telling me about all the concerts he's been to.  This drove me nuts because he recalled them casually, as if everyone went to The Eagles' "Hotel California" tour or AC/DC's "Back in Black" tour... not realizing that I would consider selling a limb to go back in time to see those concerts.  Regardless, amongst the names was Quarterflash.  Again, he casually said that as if everyone knows who or what Quarterflash is.  I did not.  So when we got home, we perused the internet and found out that the band, low and behold, is from right here in Portland.  I could shop in the same grocery store as these people and not know it.  Or maybe I would know it.  Maybe lead singer Rindy Ross would be like "It's going to 'Harden My Heart' to think that you don't know where to find Wheat Thins here at Safeway."  I'd be like, "Thanks for patronizing me with a classic rock song title, mysterious stranger."

I have to say, though, Rindy playing the saxophone & doing lead vocals is pretty hot.  Not as hot as Karen Carpenter playing the drums & singing, but still pretty sax-y!

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