Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Christopher Cross, "Sailing"

Knowing that this week's "Glee" episode was dedicated to Britney Spears, it was especially funny that the teacher really wanted the kids to sing Christopher Cross songs.

As I've noted before, I'm not quite sure how Chris Cross ever really found stardom; in this video alone, he's wearing some sort of jersey and looks has hasn't shaved for a week.  It's as if he just finished playing Centipede and eating Cheez-Its in his grandma's basement, then barely dressed himself to show up and do this thing.  Not that Britney wouldn't do all of the above... she just looks better doing it.

1 comment:

  1. I thought his comeback in the early 90s was epic though, when he teamed with the Mac Daddy and the Daddy Mac for that song, "Jump Jump."
