Thursday, September 30, 2010

Amy Winehouse, "Rehab"

I decided a few weeks ago to avoid beer and alcohol.  I use the word "avoid," because in a town like Portland--one of the best microbrew cities in America--it seems like beer is everywhere, and it's always just waiting to be imbibed.  I figured staying dry for a month could help me lose a few pounds and save a few bucks.  I'll drink to that! *sigh*

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Andy Gibb & Victoria Principal, "All I Have To Do Is Dream"

This video is so sappy sweet, I lost a leg to diabetes by the time the song was finished.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Christopher Cross, "Sailing"

Knowing that this week's "Glee" episode was dedicated to Britney Spears, it was especially funny that the teacher really wanted the kids to sing Christopher Cross songs.

As I've noted before, I'm not quite sure how Chris Cross ever really found stardom; in this video alone, he's wearing some sort of jersey and looks has hasn't shaved for a week.  It's as if he just finished playing Centipede and eating Cheez-Its in his grandma's basement, then barely dressed himself to show up and do this thing.  Not that Britney wouldn't do all of the above... she just looks better doing it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Flamingos, "I Only Have Eyes For You"

This is baby-makin' music right here.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Sex Pistols, "God Save The Queen"

While I've got Punk Rock on the mind, I might as well squeeze in The Sex Pistols.  I love their letter to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, calling the institution a "piss stain."  I guess they probably won't get a mint on their pillows the next time they're in Cleveland.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Clash, "White Riot"

I was working on a story at work about a riot in Eugene, Oregon--the home of the University of Oregon--and it reminded me of this song, which I hadn't heard in awhile.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Creedence Clearwater Revival, "Heard It Through The Grapevine"

Any video that begins in a frame and is covered with the word "Oldie" in cursive is destined to be awesome.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Roy Orbison, "Crying"

I get the sense that the audience showed for up lecture hall at the University of Memphis one Tuesday, and Roy Orbison and his band were there, and it was like "No class today, folks.  Just Roy Orbison."

I mean, look at the androgynous audience member at 2:01: Roy is spilling his guts out by way of an epic falsetto, and this kid is totally somewhere else.  You know what -- he'll get to "Pretty Woman" eventually.  Damn... try to enjoy yourself until then.  Pffft.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Billie Holiday & Louis Armstrong, "New Orleans"

This looks like a really fun time, at least between Billie & Louis.  That blonde lady looks like she's got something up her sleeve, but everyone else seems to be into the music.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

OK Go, "White Knuckles"

OK Go always knows how to a make mesmerizing video, and this is their latest, which debuted on Monday.  It's got a Northwest connection, too, since it was filmed in Corvallis, Oregon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Menomena, "Killemall"

Big props to the drummer for sporting a Blazers t-shirt--at least they love Portland, even if they might hate each other.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Four Tops, "Standing In The Shadows Of Love"

I need to get back into Motown.  It's been too long.  Between hearing this song on the radio tonight and hearing Marvin Gaye's "Inner City Blues" at Starbucks (I wasn't lost on the irony), I really need to get back to the good stuff.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mary Tyler Moore Theme Song

This is great on so many levels -- perhaps most incredibly the fact that it's a full minute long.  Can you imagine a full one minute intro these days?  Some TV shows aren't even that long...

The Kinks, "All Day And All Of The Night"

I think The Kinks are one of the most under-appreciated bands in the history of rock & roll.  Plus, this makes for a decent karaoke song.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ratatat, "Loud Pipes"

Just a heads up: This isn't really a video; it's just the song, covered with some pics of this rad cougar or whatever it is.  And the lack of video is entirely apropos, given the fact that I was supposed to see these guys live tonight... but unforeseen circumstances prevented me from doing so. *sigh*

But I suppose sitting at home, getting drunk in my chair and watching "It's Always Sunny In Philadephia" is just as cool, right?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Don't Know Much," Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstadt

I heard this song today--and I forgot how much I enjoyed it.  Or maybe I never enjoyed it, but I do now.  I don't mean this in any kind of sarcastic or ironic way: I am legitimately enjoying this song.

Though, having said that, I'm enjoying this video somewhat ironically.  

Oh, and for all my Spanish readers, you'll be happy to know that this has subtitles: "No se mucho, pero se que te amo, y eso tal vez sea todo lo que necesito saber."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Badlands," Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band

I bought this LP (Darkness on the Edge of Town) a few weeks ago online, and it just showed up in the mail today.  Naturally, I've been listening to it non-stop.  I have the CD--but who needs CDs when you can listen to it on vinyl?

For me, this is the best Springsteen album--barely edging out Born to Run.  And in November, he's issuing a massive new edition of the album, with lots of new tracks and DVDs and all sorts of fun stuff.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Queen, "Another One Bites The Dust"

The Kansas City Chiefs had a miraculous win tonight over conference rival San Diego Chargers. I'm hoping it's a sign of good things to come, but the Chiefs have been so bad for so long, I don't want to get my hopes up too soon. But if nothing else, it was an enjoyable win.

Separate note: The first lyrics of this song are "Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low"--perhaps the greatest first line of a song in classic rock.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Simon Zealotes/Poor Jerusalem" from "Jesus Christ Superstar"

This is one of my favorite movies of all time--mostly because of how fantastically '70s it is.  I've already shared with you the clip from King Herod, which was supposed to be weird, but this clip is definitely one of most genuinely '70s moments.  The people fading in from nowhere, the freeze-frames in the dancing, the outfits--it's all good stuff.

And even after all that, Jesus is like, "That's cool, the outfits are rad.  But man, you don't get it.  If I'm gonna die for your sins, I'd better see some bellbottoms."

Something like that.  I'm not a biblical scholar, I'm just a guy who likes this movie.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Postal Service, "Such Great Heights"

Unfortunately, I think this was used for a UPS ad.  But it's still a good song.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Champs, "Tequila"

I would have loved to have been a backup singer in the studio on this song, then soaked up the royalties for the rest of my life.  I'll bet someone who legitimately says "I sang on the 'Tequila' song" never has to buy their own tequila.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Cowsills, "The Rain, The Park & Other Things"

I was watching "Dumb & Dumber" the other day, and I forgot how awesome this song is during Jim Carrey's daydream sequence.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chromeo, "Don't Turn The Lights On"

A friend turned me on to these guys--and I have to say, I'm not disappointed.  They're a refreshing throwback to the '80s.  I'm starting to feel like maybe '80s-type music is coming back, and I don't hate that.

Also, the keyboardist looks a little bit like Turtle from "Entourage."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Electric Light Orchestra, "Roll Over Beethoven"

ELO founding member and cellist Mike Edwards died last week after a strange accident in England.  Here's a video of the band playing one of their earliest hits, "Roll Over Beethoven" (a remake of the Chuck Berry song).  I think he's the cellist wearing the top hat.  Anyway, what a bummer... he seemed like a nice dude--and he could play his cello with fruit.  Crazy!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jerry Lewis in "The Errand Boy"

I couldn't find any old Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon clips that I liked, so I decided to just give him a shoutout with this hilarious clip of comedic brilliance.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Ting Tings, "Shut Up And Let Me Go"

More Second wave synthpop.  Don't judge me.  I'm exploring.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Phil Collins, "Long Long Way To Go"

Years ago, I bought the album "No Jacket Required" on vinyl, and I would listen to it over and over since I didn't own many other albums.  Of all the great songs on the album--and there are many--this is the one that I always enjoyed the most.  So I hope you enjoy it.  And if not, there's always "Sussudio."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tears For Fears, "Sowing The Seeds Of Love"

Tears For Fears' Curt Smith was on the latest episode of "Psych," and it was pretty funny.  The show is rife with '80s references, which is fantastic--given how much I loved this video in 1989.

See, growing up in the Midwest and being a latchkey kid, sometimes it was too cold/boring/dangerous for me to wait down the street for my school bus forever.  So I would hang out after breakfast and watch over and over the handful of videos that MTV would show at that time of day.  "Sowing The Seeds Of Love" was one of those videos.  And then I would turn off the TV and run down and catch my bus.

So, there's 1989.  Honestly, not much has changed except that I'm too lazy to run to a bus.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lenka, "The Show"

I don't mean to put a halt to the bubble gum sweetness of this video, but I'm pretty sure the guy on the bus and in the restaurant has a court order to stay 500 feet away from children at all times.

Also, random side note: Lenka is also an actress, and she was in one of my favorite movies of all time, "The Dish."

Vampire Weekend, "Giving Up The Gun"

This was the third concert in as many weeks that we've seen live on the lawn of McMenamin's Edgefield in Portland--and it was a nice way to wrap up the summer, even though it was raining and 60 degrees.