Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jet, "Last Chance"

As far as first albums/first songs go, this is a good one. There are a lot of songs on Jet's debut album that overshadow "Last Chance." But not many modern bands put out an album with a great first song like this:


  1. I saw Jet open up for Oasis a bunch of years back near Seattle. I wasn't too familiar with them, but became an instant fan. They put on a good show.

    Oasis live is awesome for one reason, if no others -- Liam starts each song by stating the name of the song. There is no excitement or inflection in his voice. He just walks up to the mic and says, "Wonderwall."

    Then later... "Live Forever."

    I sometimes like to just start or end sentences by saying, "Live Forever." You know, it actually isn't too bad of a thing to say someone, when you really think about it.

  2. i could get used to doing that. "hi, i'll order a mcrib and, uh, small fries. live forever." it's sort of like how the british say "cheers" for everything!
