Wednesday, November 4, 2009

LFO, "Summer Girls"

I was a DJ on the college radio station for a semester in college, and since I was one of the last people to sign up for a shift, I got the not-so-coveted 7 a.m. Monday morning slot. When I wasn't oversleeping it, my job was to show up and play the hottest songs at the time. I don't remember a lot of songs from the late 1990s because there's really no reason to.

Unfortunately, this was one of them. I think any song that mentions Macaulay Culkin's name without doing it ironically should raise suspicion right away. I'm not sure "Billy Shakespeare" would have approved of these lyrics, but had he known "Rich" wrote them, I think he'd understand.


  1. I hate this group. Hate, hate, hate, hate. I've always had a dead spot in my soul because these donkeys had six months of fame. I'm really not a music snob by any stretch and have admittedly enjoyed my fair share of crap over the years -- but these no-talent jagoff cash-ins really represented everything that was wrong with the world during that time and place. That is including, but not limited to, the toothless whore of a music industry who would slap an album cover around any group of dick-in-hand frat boys who could mimic a Billy Blanks fitness video while smiling like they had a squirrel running up their ass. Then there are the idiot parents who raised idiot children to believe that this form of musical violence on the senses was worth handing over money like fools when their brainwashed kids asked to buy 65 minutes of some failed softcore porno actors farting on a snare drum. Whew....

  2. i think paul should be required to comment on all of your videos.

  3. LFO is paul's muse. he LOVES those guys. he's got a glossy pic of them in his cube at work. "summer girls" is his ringtone. LFO is his sine qua non... without LFO, there is nothing.
