Friday, August 21, 2009

David Bowie & Mick Jagger, "Dancing In The Street"

As if Bowie & Jagger doing a version together of "Dancing In The Street" wasn't abysmal enough (see picture below, where they're clearly dry-heaving at one another), they're introduced here as a "surprise" by Paul McCartney, and then they all unfortunately perform it live together.

My co-worker Alison recommended the Bowie/Jagger version of the song, knowing just how bad it is. I give her kudos for this because I had repressed it and forgot it existed. I'm almost afraid it's like watching the deadly video from the movie "The Ring"; if I get a phone call and it's a child telling me "seven days," I'll know why.


  1. that's like drunken uncle karaoke at a wedding in the 80's in hell. gah.

  2. This is one of those songs that I hate in absolutely ever version ever performed. It's right up there with "The Peppermint Twist" and "Happy Birthday". This is, however, far and away the worst version possible.

  3. Exactly--there's nothing redeeming about it whatsoever. I want to like it ironically, but then I just get sad/angry. It's a lose/lose/lose/lose situation.
